Gymnastics in 2/3rd class.principal842Mar 31, 20231 min readLook at the amazing children in Ms Cooney's room doing their gymnastics with Kevin and Eileen of Coolnine Gymnastics. Maith sibh a pháistí 👏👏
Look at the amazing children in Ms Cooney's room doing their gymnastics with Kevin and Eileen of Coolnine Gymnastics. Maith sibh a pháistí 👏👏
Gymnastics in 2ndSecond Class had their last Gymnastics session with Kevin and his team on Thursday. 🤸♀️
Around the World ProjectsSecond Class created some amazing projects about different countries around the World. 🌍
Winter is Coming!2nd Class have been busy this week discussing Winter in the class. They created some Acrostic Poems & sketched some amazing winter...